Monday, August 18, 2008

Caesar's Sonata by hjoan espina

Adam had Eve as a gift from God Almighty;

Romeo had Juliet through Shakespeare’s poetry;

With destiny’s wand and the universe in conspiracy

I believe you were born for me.

I can see you beyond your smiles;

I can hear you behind those cries;

I can reach you even in thousand miles;

I can feel even your sighs.

Let my music feed your soul;

Let it caress your grieving core;

Let your simple wish be my goal;

Let me wander through your spirit’s door.

Let me bathe you with tenderness;

Let me embrace your heart with happiness;

Let me share your every madness;

Let me escutcheon you from yesterday’s tears.

You shall see the smile of spring;

You shall witness the moon’s waxing;

You shall feel the freshness of fields;

You shall enjoy, even the rains.

You shall behold life’s beauty

For I shall offer my every efforts for thee,

Just to make sure you’re in ecstasy;

As my life’s worth is to make you happy.

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